
Applied business research

Associate Professor Alan Simon

6 points · One 3-hour class per week · First and second semester · Caulfield

Objectives On completion of this subject students should understand the theory and process of internal and external business consulting; the stages in the consulting process; be able to undertake individual and group investigation and research; be able to apply and integrate the skills and knowledge acquired in the undergraduate degree to client problem solving; be able to initiate, conduct and complete a successful consulting assignment; be able to communicate concisely and persuasively, verbally and in writing, the analysis and recommendations at the conclusion of a consulting assignment.

Synopsis The internal and external consulting process defined; client relationship strategies; stages in the consulting process; diagnostic review techniques for various organisational activities; client communication, implementation and follow up strategies; consulting ethics; fee setting; getting and keeping clients.

Assessment Group business research project (3500 words): 35% and oral 15% · Individual topic presentation (1500 words): 15% and oral 10% · Literature review (1500 words): 15% and oral 10%

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