
Contemporary issues in management

Dr Loong Wong

6 points · One 3-hour class per week · Caulfield · Prerequisite: Acceptance for enrolment in the Bachelor of Business (Honours) program

Objectives On completion of this subject students should be able to identify and discuss the major issues currently impacting on organisations, cite relevant research findings and theoretical approaches to effectively manage these issues; and explain how organisations are currently managing these issues. In their approach to studying contemporary issues, students will cover advanced study in the evolution of management thinking, and the development of a critical perspective.

Synopsis Topics selected will alter as contemporary issues change. Areas likely to be covered include globalisation; diversity management; leadership in a changing environment; green management; 'risk' management; changes in industrial relations; impacts of information technology; business process reengineering; culture and change; and emerging models of management.

Assessment Essay (2000 words): 25% · Report (3000 words): 45% · Presentation: 30%

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