
Statistics for accounting, auditing and finance

Ms Gerrie Roberts

6 points · 3 hours per week · First and second semester · Caulfield and Peninsula · Prerequisite: ETX1640

Objectives On completion of this subject students should be able to use and understand the output of statistical applications in the professional environment; design and carry out valid audit samples and subjectively appraise and statistically evaluate the sample results for audit significance.

Synopsis This subject further develops the statistical concepts from ETX1640 and introduces their application to accounting - specifically auditing. Analysis of the various sampling techniques is emphasised as is the ability to statistically evaluate the sample results for audit significance.

Assessment Assignment: 20% · Test: 20% · Examination (2 hours): 60% · Students must pass the examination in order to pass the subject

Prescribed texts

Selvanathan A and others Australian business statistics Nelson, 1994

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