
Statistics for management

Mr Alan McLean

6 points · two 1-hour lectures and one 1-hour tutorial per week · First and second semester · Caulfield and Peninsula · Prerequisite: ETX1640

Objectives On the completion of this subject students should develop an understanding of the basic principles of the design of data collection; develop an understanding of the process of interpreting sample information in relation to the population from that as sampled; be able to obtain a confidence interval on a variety of population parameters; be able to carry out a test of hypothesis on a variety of population parameters; be able to interpret the results, in context, of a data analysis using summary statistics, cross tabulation, regression analysis or analysis of variance.

Synopsis Sources of data; sampling designs; use of data; introduction to inference; confidence limits and t-tests on means and proportions; cross-tabulation, with chisquare, components of chisquare and lambda; simple and multiple linear regression; regression with non-linear terms; regression with dummy variables; introduction to analysis of variance and experimentation; use of a computer package.

Assessment Test (1 hour): 30% · Examination (3 hours): 65% · Assignment: 5%

Prescribed texts

Selvanathan A and others Australian business statistics Nelson, 1994

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