
Risk financing and treasury management

Mr Kevin Tant

6 points · 3 hours per week · First, second semester · Caulfield, distance, in-house · Prerequisite: special selection criteria apply

Objectives On completion of this subject students should have a theoretical and practical understanding of the concept of risk financing; the range of techniques of risk financing available in today's markets.

Synopsis Topics include the evaluation of risk; financing tools; retention and transfer; insurance; non insurance; pre and post loss funding; retention and self insurance decisions; insurance and reinsurance principles and practices for the corporate buyer; deductible selection models; management and administration of losses and insurance claims; institutional factors, accounting factors, including taxation and government incentives; captive insurance companies; international considerations; financial transfer by contract.

Assessment Modular assignments: 50% · Examination (3 hours): 50%

Prescribed texts

Rejda G E Principles of risk management and insurance 5th edn, Butterworths

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