
Investment banking

Mr Roger Love

6 points · 3 hours per week · Second semester · Caulfield · Prerequisites: AFX1300, AFF2401 and AFX2631

Objectives The student will demonstrate an understanding of the specific coverage of the institutions' operations in the underwriting and marketing of the public issues of securities; its money markets; foreign exchange; investment management; financial advisory services.

Synopsis Introduction to and defining investment banking; development of investment/merchant banking overseas; development of investment/merchant banking in Australia; regulatory system, its operations in Australia and current market perspective; specialised financial services - project finance, structured finance and infrastructure finance; underwriting activities: types of securities underwritten, underwriting syndication structuring, risks and pricing underwriting structures; financial advisory work (public and private sector) including mergers and acquisitions; investment funds management activities; privatisation and corporatisation; comparison of present day investment/merchant banks operations overseas: United States, United Kingdom, Japan, elsewhere in Asia; future direction of investment banking.

Assessment Assignment: 50% · Examination (3 hours): 50%

Prescribed texts

Bruce and others Handbook of Australian corporate finance 5th edn, Butterworths, 1996
Selected readings, Department of Accounting and Finance

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