
Business finance

Mr David Lin

6 points · One 1-hour lecture and one 2-hour tutorial per week · First semester · Berwick · Prerequisite: AFB1002

Objectives Building on knowledge gained in the first and second year accounting studies, students will develop skills and appreciate strategies to maintain or increase the wealth of an entity and its owners. The links between the investment decision, the return to owners decision, and the finance decision will be explored together with the overall link to the stakeholders' wealth.

Synopsis The following issues are covered in this subject: goals and functions of financial policy, corporate risk, uncertainty, capital structure policies, required rates of return, capital budgeting and long term investment decisions, evaluation of investments and dividend policy, financing, debt and equity, overseas and small business financing, statement analysis and prediction of corporate failure.

Assessment Assignments: 30% · Examination: 70%

Prescribed texts

Gitman I and others Principles of managerial finance in Australia Harper, 1994

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