

Mr Ming Zhang

6 points · One 1-hour lecture and one 2-hour tutorial per week · Second semester · Berwick · Prerequisite: AFB2023

Objectives Building on knowledge gained in the preparation of financial statements during earlier accounting studies, this subject addresses the audit of such statements. It aims to provide students with understanding of the issues various types of auditors face, including planning, collection and evaluation of evidence and reporting audit results. While the emphasis is on external auditing, students develop an awareness of the audit expectation gap and the expanded services provided by internal and public sector auditors.

Synopsis The subject covers the role and legal responsibility of auditor, audit process and audit evidence, the concepts of materiality and risks, study and evaluation of internal control, EDP auditing, audit sampling techniques, the tests of transactions cycles and the verification of account balances, the information of audit report, internal and operational auditing and current issues in auditing.

Assessment Assignments: 40% · Examination: 60% · Students must obtain a satisfactory result in all areas of assessment.

Prescribed texts

Gill and Cosserat Modern auditing in Australia Wiley, latest edn

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