Re-marking of student work

1 A student who is dissatisfied with his or her mark/grade for a particular assignment or subject (not including a research thesis of 66% or greater) should be advised in the first instance to discuss the matter with the tutor/subject coordinator. The Research student's induction handbook given to all research students deals with the procedures for examination of research theses.
2 If the student does not wish to discuss his or her mark/grade with the tutor, or is still dissatisfied after discussion with the subject coordinator, then the Head of the academic unit (or his or her nominee) should be approached to appoint a second marker. A time limit of four weeks will be imposed for a student to request a re-mark.
3 The department should make explicit in its procedures at which point the decision about the mark/grade is final and inform students of procedures for remarking to be followed within the department. Students should be aware that regrading could go either way.
4 Where the student remains dissatisfied with the outcome, the normal avenues of initiating grievance procedures at faculty level will apply.