Computing facilities available to students in the Faculty of Arts

Computer basement laboratory


The Faculty of Arts has a computer laboratory on the Clayton campus. Room B42 in the basement of the Menzies building has thirty 486 processor computers.


There are two dot matrix printers, a cutsheet printer for which students need to bring their own A4-size paper, and a continuous feed printer for which paper is supplied.


The laboratory computers have Microsoft Windows installed and allow access to the standard Microsoft packages such as Word and Excel. The computers are connected to the Internet which allows the use of email and access to sites around the world using programs such as WinQVT (Telnet) and Netscape.

Hours of operation

Between March and November the laboratory (room B42) is open Monday to Thursday between 9 am and 9 pm, and on Friday from 9 am to 7 pm. From December to February it is open between 9 am and 5 pm. The laboratory is not open on weekends. Further computing facilities are available to students elsewhere at Clayton campus, eg in the Computer Centre and in the Graduate Centre.