Arts Graduate School

Director: Professor Terry Threadgold, Associate Dean (Graduate Studies)
The Arts Graduate School functions, through its director, to provide leadership and a reference point for standards for all graduate programs in the faculty. The graduate school is housed in the Graduate Centre where the director has an office and is available at regular times each week to consult with the faculty's postgraduate students on matters to do with their candidature or supervision. The activities of the graduate school complement those of the academic units in which students are enrolled.
The Graduate Centre is occupied and used by students from many faculties and is increasingly a focus for interdisciplinary and cross-faculty postgraduate student activities at Monash. In 1997, the PhD and Scholarships Committee agreed to form an interdisciplinary subcommittee, with postgraduate student membership, to assist with the running of the exPERT Series of Seminars instituted by the Faculty of Arts in 1996. These seminars are designed to assist graduate students with matters such as computer skills, thesis writing, organisational skills, time management skills, writing for examination, and supervision. The Arts Graduate School is committed to running an annual interdisciplinary postgraduate student conference, organised by postgraduate students themselves with training and assistance from the director. The director is also able to assist each year with the running of a small number of focused research seminars and with the invitation of guest speakers from outside the faculty. These new directions in the Graduate Centre will enhance the exposure to the ideas and interests of other disciplines and faculty cultures which have characterised the centre from its inception and create the basis for a richer and more stimulating postgraduate experience in the faculty and at Monash.
The graduate school provides an induction program for new students, administers travel, conference and field grants, oversees supervision, provides counselling and monitors progress and completion rates.
Inquiries should be directed to the coordinator, graduate studies, first floor, Humanities Building or the director, Arts Graduate School, Graduate Centre.