Faculty of Medicine


The borders between the arts and sciences are blurring as the dramatic changes to society and the planet that have resulted from the industrial and information revolutions have made the implications of science more obvious. These new inter-faculty and interdisciplinary first year subjects explore the creation of scientific knowledge, the nature of science and its meaning for society and for the rest of the natural world, both locally and globally. They present an interdisciplinary perspective, combining scientific approaches with those of the humanities and social sciences.

BME1111 Science, culture, and the concept of race: human origins and development

Science, Race, and Society will offer students an insight into current approaches to the evolution of the human species, the concept of "race" and the impact of science on society.

BME1112 Human affairs: health, illness and sexual difference

This subject explores the concepts of health, illness and disease and how different interpretations of them affect our understanding of the biological and psychological manifestations of sexual difference.