Double degree programs at the Caulfield, Clayton and Peninsula campus locations

General information

A student may enrol for a double degree program, in which studies are undertaken in two faculties (eg arts and law) at the same time and enable the student to graduate eventually with two degrees (eg BA and LLB).
The following double degree programs incorporating BA studies are available. Students should carefully check the entry requirements for these programs as variations to the normal Bachelor of Arts requirements apply in some cases.

Arts/Business (Caulfield/Peninsula)

A combined course for the arts degree and a specific business degree is available on the Caulfield and Peninsula campuses which enables students to take out both degrees after four years of full-time study. Students complete all the requirements for their specific branch of the BBus degree while at the same time they complete at least a major and a minor sequence in arts subjects. Business areas are accounting; management; banking and finance (Caulfield only); marketing (Caulfield only); and international trade (Peninsula only)

Arts/Commerce (Clayton)

Course code: 0542
A combined course for the arts and commerce degrees is available on the Clayton campus which enables students to take out both degrees after four years of full-time study. Students complete all the requirements for the BCom degree while at the same time they complete at least a major and minor sequence in arts subjects.

Arts/Education (Clayton/Peninsula)

A combined course for the arts and teaching degrees is available on the Clayton and Peninsula campuses which enable students to take out both degrees after four years of study. Students complete all the requirements for the BEd degree while at the same time they complete at least a major, a minor sequence and an additional first-year sequence in arts subjects.

Arts/Engineering (Clayton)

Course code: 0116
A combined course for the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Engineering is taken concurrently over a minimum period of five years on the Clayton campus. Students complete all the requirements for an engineering degree in a specific branch of engineering while at the same time undertaking a major and minor sequence in arts subjects.

Arts/Law (Clayton)

Course code: 0080
A combined course for the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws is taken over a minimum period of five years on the Clayton campus. The course includes a sequence of law subjects, which counts towards both degrees, and, for the arts degree, additional subjects to the value of at least eighty-four points. This additional work must include a major sequence from a discipline included in the schedule of arts disciplines, as well as a further two first-year arts sequences and additional subjects to the value of eight points at second-year level from arts subjects. After three years of study it is possible to graduate with the arts degree only, if so desired. However, most students will normally continue with a further two years of work in law only and then take out the LLB degree as well as the BA degree.

Arts/Science (Clayton)

Course code: 0530
A combined course for the arts and science degrees is available on the Clayton campus which enables students to take out both degrees after four years of study. Students complete all the requirements for the BSc degree while at the same time they complete at least a major and minor sequence in arts subjects.

Arts/Theology (Caulfield/Clayton)

Course code: 0002
A combined course for the arts and theology degrees is offered in conjunction with the Melbourne College of Divinity (MCD), which enables students to take out both degrees after four years of study. Students complete all the requirements for the BTheol degree on one of the campuses of the MCD while at the same time they complete at least a major, a minor sequence, and may compelete an additional twenty-four credit points in arts .subjects.. Some of the theology subjects may be take at the Clayton campus where a theology major is offered from 1999.

Music/Commerce (Clayton)

Course code: 1185
The Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Commerce (BMus/BCom) double degree, available on the Clayton campus, enables students to take out both degrees after four years of full-time study. Students will complete all the requirements of the BCom while at the same time completing ninety-two points of music subjects. (See the Music department entry in this handbook for further details).

Music/Education (Clayton)

Course code: 2025
The Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Education(BMus/BEd) was offered for the first time in 1998 and enables students to take out both degrees after five years of full-time study. Students will complete all the requirements of the BEd while at the same time complete 112 credit points of music subjects.

Music/Law (Clayton)

Course code: 1497
The Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Laws (BMus/LLB) double degree, offered for the first time in 1997, is available on the Clayton campus and enables students to take out both degrees after five years of full-time study.
To qualify for the award, students must complete subjects to the value of a minimum of 262 credit points over the length of the course, of which 158 points should come from subjects offered by the Faculty of Law and 104 points from subjects offered by the Faculty of Arts in the Bachelor of Music degree. (See the Music department entry in this handbook for further details).

Performing Arts/Law (Clayton)

Course code:2317
This program, which will be offered at the Clayton campus from 1999, permits students to take out both awards after a minimum of five years of study.
To qualify for the award students must complete subjects to the value of a minimum of 258 credit points over the length of the course, of which 100 points should come from the subjects offered within the Performing Arts degree and 158 points from subjects offered by the Faculty of Law.

Policy studies/Information management and systems (Caulfield)

This program, which will be offered at the Caulfield campus from 1999 permits students to take out both awards after a minimum of four years of study.
To qualify for the award, students must complete subjects to the value of 192 points, comprising 92 credit points from the Faculty of Arts and 100 credit points from the Faculty of Information Technology.