Bachelor of Arts honours degree

General information

Course code: 0003
The honours degree requires a fourth year of study taken following completion of the normal requirements of the pass degree. The minimum requirement for admission of a candidate to fourth-year honours is completion of an undergraduate degree with a major sequence in the honours discipline or interdisciplinary program with at least credit grades of 65 per cent in subjects to the value of not less than sixteen points at third-year level, and an additional eight points of credit grade of 65 per cent or higher at either second or third-year level. The credit grades of 65 per cent or higher must be gained in individual subjects. A credit average of 65 per cent or higher is not accepted if the requirements as stated above have not been met. Some departments/centres have set their entry level of distinction grades for the subjects described above. Intending candidates should make inquiries with the department/centre honours coordinator.
Berwick students are considered to be eligible for entry to the honours year provided they have completed the normal requirements of the degree for which they are enrolled, they have completed fifty-two credit points in the relevant arts discipline, comprising a thirty-six credit point Berwick arts sequence plus an additional sixteen credit points (in that discipline) at second or third-year level. In addition, students must achieve a credit grade of sixty-five or better in subjects in the honours discipline to the value of twenty-four credit points at second and third-year level, sixteen credit points which must be at third-year level.
Honours studies may be taken as single honours (a single discipline over one year of full-time study), double honours (two disciplines over two years of full-time study) or combined honours (two disciplines over one year of full-time study). It is possible, with the permission of the faculty, to undertake honours studies on a part-time basis.

Honours disciplines available on the Clayton campus

The honours disciplines are ancient Greek; anthropology; art history and theory; Chinese; classical history; comparative literature and cultural studies; comparative societies; drama and theatre studies; English; environmental science; French; geography; German; history; Indonesian; Italian; Japanese; Latin; linguistics; modern Greek; music; philosophy; politics; Slavic studies; Sociology; Spanish; social work; visual culture.
Interdisciplinary honours programs which are programs run by a centre other than the Centre for Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies or by a department where the course of study involves subjects from various disciplines may also be undertaken in the following areas: American studies; Asian languages and studies; European studies_; French; German and Slavic studies; Italian; religious studies; Spanish; theology; and women's studies. However, the final decision on the offering of honours disciplines will be dependent on student demand and academic staff availability.
Entry into honours is normally at the commencement of the academic year. Mid-year entry into honours may be offered at the discretion of the department. See the honours entry for the relevant department or departments in this handbook. Mid-year entry may be available to students who have completed the Monash Bachelor of Arts degree within the last five years. Candidates from other faculties of the university and from other institutions require special permission to commence honours mid year.
Combined honours may be undertaken provided that all honours requirements have been met in both disciplines. Application to undertake combined honours must be made with the support of the heads of both departments. The overall distribution of points within a combined honours degree should as far as possible be equally divided between departments/centres. The thesis component of a combined honours program should be divided as the two departments or centres see fit. The thesis component may be taken solely in one department or centre, be equally supervised, examined and weighted in terms of points between both departments/centres, or any balance of these. Coursework should be equally divided between disciplines where possible.

Honours disciplines available at the Gippsland campus

Honours can be completed in the following disciplines through the School of Humanities and Social Sciences: history, journalism, mass communications, politics and sociology. See the Gippsland section in this handbook for further details.