

In order to make the best use of this handbook, it is important to understand some of the terms you will find in it. The following are some of the most commonly used.


A subject is the basic unit of study in an undergraduate degree program, usually undertaken over a semester. Students usually take eight subjects at first-year level, six subjects at second-year level and six subjects at third-year level. An example of a subject is ENH1010 (Reading literature 1).


A sequence is a pair of subjects, usually taken in semesters one and two of the same year. Thus, FRN1010 (Introductory French A) and FRN1020 (Introductory French B) make up a first-year sequence in French.


A discipline is a branch of learning or instruction. Each department in the Faculty of Arts offers subjects in a certain discipline. Thus students taking a grouping of subjects in a cognate area offered by the Department of Politics are studying the discipline of politics.

Field of study

Field of study refers to an approved sequence of subjects in cognate areas, eg international studies.


Students in the Bachelor of Arts must complete at least one major in an Arts faculty discipline. A major consists of studies in the same discipline undertaken at the first, second and third-year levels of the degree. For example, a major in English literature consists of a first-year sequence of two first-year level English subjects valued at six points each; two second-year level English subjects valued at eight points each; and three third-year level English subjects, valued at eight points each. Although this structure may vary slightly, according to the standard points value of subjects in different disciplines, a major in an Arts faculty discipline will always total fifty-two points, consisting of twelve points at first-year level, sixteen points at second-year level and twenty-four points at third-year level.


Students in the Bachelor of Arts must complete at least one minor in an Arts faculty discipline. A minor consists of studies in the same discipline taken at the first and second-year levels of the degree. An Arts faculty minor should always total twenty-eight points, consisting of twelve points at first-year level and sixteen points at second-year level.