
Contemporary art of the Asia-Pacific

Traudi Allen

8 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: A first-year sequence in visual culture or a related discipline such as Asian history or anthropology

Objectives On completion of this subject students should be acquainted with the major trends in contemporary art of the Asia-Pacific region, as well as the ways political and cultural differences have shaped the art of particular countries. They should be able to trace the developmental changes that have occurred with the introduction of Modernism and contemporary art in the region. They will be expected to understand the historical apprehension of Asia-Pacific art by the West and the current debates engaging the discourse. They will be acquainted with approaches to such issues as feminism and post colonialism for example, as they are translated into art.

Synopsis As a basis to cultural understanding, religious philosophies and their role in contemporary art will be considered along with traditional cultural signage, referring in particular to the art of India. The position of theoretical debate as it relates to the Asia-Pacific region will be a continuing consideration throughout the course. As a consequence students should understand the construction of 'Asia' and the 'Asian' identity by the west. The art of women and their changing place in India, China, Korea, Japan, Indonesia and Vietnam in traditional and contemporary circumstances will be explored. Political strategies in China, North and South Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam will be shown to relate to specific stylistic approaches. Symbolism, spirituality and the exoticisation of the Pacific region form a significant part of the course. Conservation interests on the part of artists in New Zealand and Papua New Guinea will also be considered.

Assessment One seminar paper: (1500 words): 25% One essay (3000 words): 50% Slide test (one hour) (1500 words): 25%

Preliminary reading

Said E Orientalism, Random House, 1979

Prescribed texts

Turner C (ed.) Tradition and change: Contemporary art of Asia and the Pacific UQP, 1993
Allen T Identifying cross-currents in contemporary Australian art Craftsman House, 1998

Recommended texts

Art AsiaPacific Journal 1994-1997
The First Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art cat. QAG, 1993
The Second Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art cat. QAG, 1996-1997

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