
Health and social work

Dr Rosemary Sheehan

12 points -2 hours per week -Second semester -Clayton

Objectives At the completion of this subject it is expected that students will have explored contemporary frameworks used to understand health concerns and inform policy and consider the application of these frameworks to their own practice and to other settings where health issues predominate.

Synopsis This subject provides contemporary understanding of social work in health. It considers current community health concerns and the preoccupations of health policy and services. Frameworks used to conceptualise and assess the health concerns which impact on individuals, families and communities, are analysed and applied to specific health concerns.

Assessment One written assignment (6000 words): 66% -One class presentation (3000 words): 33%

Recommended texts

Mullaly R Structural social work McLellan, 1994
Davis A and George J States of health 2nd edn, Harper and Rowe, 1992

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