
Social and community service organisations: their behaviour and management

Professor T Brown

12 points -2 hours per week -Second semester -Clayton

Objectives On completion of this subject students should have developed an understanding of the nature, characteristics, roles and issues in social service organisations. They should be familiar with analytical frameworks, understand recent changes in social service management and understand the management tasks in such organisations.

Synopsis The subject will cover the organisational nature of the social services, the characteristics of the organisation in terms of size, structure, function, staffing, funding, decision-making and more, the broad new governmental policy directions of equal opportunity, freedom of information, consumer rights, training, and the very recent government policies of super ministries, privatisation, and service agreements. Management tasks including developing management information systems, managing conflict, raising funds and monitoring the budget, and monitoring program and staff performance.

Assessment One essay (2000 words): 25% -One essay (7000 words): 75%

Prescribed texts

Donovan F and Jackson A Managing human service organisations Prentice-Hall, 1991

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