
Criminology and social work

Dr C Trotter

12 points -2 hours per week -First semester -Clayton

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject students will have developed knowledge and understanding of the efficacy of a range of crime prevention and diversion programs and different treatment methods relating to adult and youth offenders.

Synopsis The major focus of this subject is on effective methods of working with offenders in the community after they have been placed on court orders. It considers what works best for whom and provides some opportunity to develop direct practice skills. This subject also considers some of the causes and contexts of criminal behaviour and some general crime prevention strategies.

Assessment Essay (6000 words): 70% -Class presentation (1000 words): 10% -Essay (2000 words): 20%

Recommended texts

Trotter C The supervision of offenders - what works? Department of Social Work, Monash U, 1995
Trotter C Working with involuntary clients Allen and Unwin, 1999

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