
Advanced casework practice

Dr C Trotter

12 points -2 hours per week -Second semester -Clayton

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject students should understand the role and purpose of casework, the sources of knowledge in casework and the relevance of outcome evaluation. Students should be able to critically analyse their own practice and at least one casework theory.

Synopsis This subject examines theories and knowledge regarding direct work with clients in a variety of social work settings. It will also consider the context of casework practice and some alternative methods of working with individuals and groups.

Assessment Essay (6000 words): 70% -A class presentation of one hour's duration (1000 words): 10% -Essay (2000 words): 20%

Recommended texts

Compton B and Galaway B Social work processes 5th edn, Dorsey, 1994
Trotter C Working with involuntary clients Allen and Unwin, 1999

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