
Fieldwork IV

Mr M Liddell, Dr R Carew and Dr C Trotter

12 points - 2 hours per week skills practice workshops and seminars - A block placement (practicum) of 14 weeks in an agency arranged by the university - Second semester - Clayton - Prerequisite: SWK4550

Objectives The skills component enables students to develop skills necessary for practice in different settings and with different client groups. Students successfully completing the block II placement should have refined, expanded and consolidated the competence achieved in the block I placement, and should have developed abilities to perform as a responsible social worker.

Synopsis The practice of social work in specific settings and/or with particular client groups.

Assessment - Written work and class presentation equivalent to 9000 words: 30% - Practicum evaluation: 70% - A pass in both the presentation and practicum evaluation is required to successfully complete SWK4560

Prescribed texts

Reading lists available from the department

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