
Social and behavioural studies I

Ms D Strong

4 points - 4 hours per week - First semester - Clayton

Objectives On successful completion of this subject students should have an in-depth understanding of a specific field of social work practice, and be aware of the major theoretical and practice issues in the area. Students should, through the law segment, develop a knowledge of the legal system and its applicability to social work practice.

Synopsis This subject comprises two parts: 'Law and social work' and 'Options'. 'Law and social work' examines aspects of the legal system relevant to social work practice, and the status, rights and obligations of social workers. In 'Options', a range of options relevant to social work practice may be offered from which students choose one. Examples of options are child protection, cross-cultural practice, women and welfare. Options change according to availability of staff.

Assessment 'Law and social work' - Written assignment (1500 words): 50% - 'Options' - Written assignment: (1500 words): 50%

Prescribed texts

Reading lists available from the department

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