
Social work II

Dr R Carew and Ms D Strong

6 points - 4 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton - Prerequisite: A pass in SWK3110

Objectives This subject comprises two parts: 'Groupwork' and 'Family work'. The purpose of 'Groupwork' is to give an understanding through theoretical reference of the ways to successfully begin a group and analyse group interaction; gain an understanding of the group leadership function and the leadership styles that can be used; the way in which group problem solving can be enhanced and the way in which a group can be effectively ended. On successful completion of 'Family work', students should have an understanding of different family work approaches, be able to critically assess these approaches and to understand the ethical issues involved in direct work with families.

Synopsis 'Groupwork' examines the historical development of groupwork; the groupwork process with emphasis on the beginning, ending and enhancing communication in groups; group leadership styles and terminating groups. In 'Family work', family functioning is explained from a variety of theoretical frameworks drawing out the implications for practice.

Assessment 'Groupwork' - One written assignment (2250 words): 50% - 'Family work' - One written assignment (2250 words): 50% - Students are required to pass both sections of this subject to pass the subject overall.

Prescribed texts

Carew R Group leadership skills Dept Social Work, Monash U (for 'Groupwork')

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