
Spanish American fiction since independence

J Paredes

Not offered in 1999

8 points- 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton

Objectives At the completion of this subject students should have acquired a broad awareness of the process of nation formation in post-colonial Spanish America; a good understanding of the different forms of literary production from 1830 on; and an appreciation of the different kinds of societies, races and cultures which have conformed the Hispanic American experience.

Synopsis This subject surveys the different forms of literary production in Spanish America from the early years of independent life right into the twentieth century. The first half of the semester will be dedicated to the study of Romanticism and the various forms in which this movement influenced Spanish American thought and shaped literary production. The origins of the Hispanic American novel of dictatorship will be studied within the context of romantic ideas imported from Europe. The second half of the semester will be dedicated to the study of Hispanic American drama, both in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Assessment Research project: 20% - Oral presentation: 10% - Mid-term exam (2 hours): 30% - Final essay (3000 words): 40%

Prescribed texts

Echeverría E El matadero
Isaacs J María
Monash anthology of reading materials (Available from the Spanish Section)

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