
Study abroad program

M Cordella

8 points - 1 hour per week - Summer semester - Clayton/A minimum of a month intensive course (approximatively 80 hours) in a language, culture and civilisation course in a Spanish-speaking country. The language course will have to be approved before departing from Australia with the subject coordinator - Corequisites: SPN2010 - Prohibitions: This subject may not be counted as part of a minor sequence in Spanish.

Objectives At the completion of this subject, students should have improved their language skills and acquired a broader awareness of contemporary cultural life in Spain and Hispanic America.

Synopsis During the semester preceding the intensive course students willneed to undertake supervised research on one aspect of Hispanic American and/or Spanish culture/civilisation.

Assessment Two essays, one completed before departing from Australia (2000 words) and one completed while overseas (2000 words): 30% and 40% respectively - Regular assessment undertaken in the foreign institution: 10% - Students to keep a diary: 20%

Recommended texts

Hooper J The new Spaniards Penguin

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