
Spanish culture and civilisation

J Paredes

8 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: SPN1020 or SPN1080

Objectives Students completing this subject should have acquired a broad awareness of the historical development of Spanish society and culture, and a good understanding of the relationship between society and literature.

Synopsis This subject studies the Iberian Peninsula from 200 AD to the present day. The approach to be used is of a multidisciplinary nature, allowing lectures to survey major social, political and cultural developments of the main historical periods. Tutorial work focuses on specific textual,audiovisual and multimedia material: cultural documents, literary texts and films. The main goals of this subject are two: first, to study the different situations that allowed Spain to become the first world empire in the sixteenth century. Second, to present a coherent and balanced account of Spain's emergence from a backward, predominantly agricultural country in the first half of the twentieth century to the modern, democratic, and progressive industrial nation today.

Assessment Oral presentation: 10% - Essay (2000 words): 40% - Examinations (4 hours): 50%

Prescribed texts

García Morales A El Sur
Paredes J (ed.) Anthology of reading materials (Available from the Spanish Section)
Sender R Réquiem por un campesino español

Recommended texts

Marín D La civilización española

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