
Foundations of Slavic linguistics

J Clarke

6 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: A first-year Slavic language subject (for the second-year level) - A second-year Slavic language subject (for the third-year level subject)

Objectives On completing the subject students should be able to identify all the Slavic literary languages; characterise each Slavic language in terms of salient features of orthography, phonetics and morphology; describe the main features of the interrelationships between the Slavic languages.

Synopsis The subject introduces students to the systematic study of the modern Slavic languages. It covers such topics as the typology and classification of the Slavic languages, phonetics, orthography and writing systems, as well as comparative morphology and syntax. The most important distinctive features of the various languages will be discussed.

Assessment Examinations (2 hours): 50% - Written exercises (2500 words): 50%

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