
The research process

Gary Bouma

8 points - 2 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton

Objectives On completion of this subject, students will know about strategies and techniques that are available at different stages of research; be aware of choices and constraints in relation to different types of research designs; view research as a creative problem-solving activity; be aware of ethical considerations in research; demonstrate knowledge and skills that will enable them to carry out research; and be able to understand and evaluate the work of other researchers.

Synopsis This option provides students with the opportunity to develop skills in designing and doing empirical sociological research by engaging in a group research project. A variety of techniques and methodologies will be explored and used in studying a research topic selected by the students.

Assessment Two minor reports (1500 words each): 25% each - Participation in group research project (3000 words): 50%

Prescribed texts

Bouma G D The research process OUP, 1996
de Vaus D A Surveys in social research Allen and Unwin, 1996

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