
Sociology of education

Not offered in 1999

Cathi Lewis

8 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Peninsula - Prerequisites: First-year SCY sequence or equivalent

Objectives On completion of this subject students will have some familiarity with the historical background, theoretical perspectives and debates in relation to the role of education, schooling and training in modern societies; state and corporate involvement in education; the structural interdependence of the various levels of education and public policy; and be able to demonstrate an ability to critically analyse and evaluate the research and theory in the area.

Synopsis This subject examines the main theoretical debates in the sociology of education from an historical perspective as it relates to the current debates surrounding this most contentious of areas. Students will explore the ideological bases underpinning prevailing educational philosophies, the epistemological and practical implications, and their relationship to political and economic imperatives.

Assessment Research project (3500 words): 40% - Examination (2 hours): 30% - Ten short class tests (approx. 5 minutes each): 30%

Prescribed texts

Subject reader available at enrolment

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