
Social research methods

Naomi White and Chris Lloyd

8 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Caulfield - Prerequisites: First-year SCY sequence or equivalentProhibition: WEL3110

Objectives On completion of this subject, students can expect to be knowledgeable about strategies and techniques that are available at different stages of qualitative research; be aware of choices and constraints in relation to different types of research designs; view research as a creative problem-solving activity; be aware of ethical considerations in research; and have knowledge and skills that will enable them to carry out research.

Synopsis The content of this subject will be as follows: the objectives of social research; an overview of the research process; the significance of theory for research; reviewing the literature; general problems in measurement; designing research; techniques for collecting, coding, processing, analysing and presenting qualitative data; writing research reports; ethical considerations in social research.

Assessment Article review (1000 words): 20% - Group research design (2000 words): 40% - Test (3 hours): 40%

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