
Sociological research techniques for public policy

Chris Chamberlain

8 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton

Objectives On completion of this subject, it is intended that students will be knowledgeable about strategies and techniques that are available at different stages of research; understand how research is used in the policy making process; be aware of choices and constraints in relation to different types of research designs; be aware of ethical considerations in research; demonstrate knowledge and skills that will enable them to carry out research; and be able to understand and evaluate the work of other researchers.

Synopsis This subject is designed to provide students with practical experience of various methods of data collection, and to understand how research is used in the policy making process, and in sociological analysis. Students will learn about different research techniques, including social surveys, observational research and analysis of official statistical records. Students carry out small exercises to gain practical experiences of how to gather evidence about the social world, develop skills in data analysis, and learn to write research reports.

Assessment Written (4000 words): 66% - Examination (2 hour): 34%

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