
Sociology of the family

Cathi Lewis

Not offered in 1999

8 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Peninsula - Prerequisites: First-year SCY sequence or equivalent

Objectives On completion of this subject, students should be able to demonstrate some familiarity with relevant theoretical perspectives; feminist critiques of traditional patriarchal structures and analyses of current diversity of family in Australia; the relationship between family life, the economic structure, social policy and ideology; and demonstrate an ability to apply theoretical approaches to the understanding and analyses of families in Australia.

Synopsis This subject explores the family historically and theoretically as the primary site of socialisation, and thus social control. Areas of interest include the political dimensions of sexual partnering and gender relationships; cross-cultural families; ideological bases of family life and social policy; changing family structures and social, economic, political implications; and the future of the family.

Assessment Essay (3500 words): 40% - Tutorial paper and presentation (2000 words): 30% - Ten short class tests (approx. 5 minutes each): 30%

Prescribed texts

Subject reader available at enrolment

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