
The publishing firm

Nick Walker

8 or 12 points -One 2-hour seminar per week plus industry seminars -Second semester -City

Objectives At the completion of the subject candidates should have a sound understanding of the importance of management in publishing, key principles and practices applicable to the publishing firm, and the organisation of the publishing firm and of the publishing industry. Students will also be expected to have developed analytical, problem-solving and presentational skills appropriate to the context of publishing.

Synopsis This subject will begin with the detailed description and close examination of models that depict the organisation, objectives and operations of typical publishing firms, both large and small. Actual firms will be identified and considered as case studies. On this foundation, the principles and practices of management that apply in the publishing industry will be thoroughly examined. Topics covered will include the objectives of the firm; decision-making processes; the management of intellectual property, including contracting with authors, suppliers, distributors, other publishers; the elements of financial management; the creation and supervision of teams; project management; the supervision of team-leaders and project managers; staff appraisals; the management of specialists and suppliers, including outsourcing; information technology, records and archives management; managing change in the firm. Students will be required to undertake a special problem-solving research project.

Assessment (8 points) Two projects and practical assignments (2000 words total): 40% -Essay (3000 words): 30% -Examination (1000 words): 20%
Assessment (12 points) Two projects and practical assignments (2000 words total): 30% -Essay (4000 words): 30% -Research project (2000 words): 20% -Examination (1000 words): 20%

Prescribed texts

Collins and McLaughlin Effective management 2nd edn, CCH, 1996

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