
New publishing media

Joanne Jacobs and Nick Walker

8 points -One 2-hour seminar per week -First semester -Clayton

Objectives This subject should provide students with an understanding of the new media environment, and particularly of the convergence of publishing and information technologies at the levels of media form, corporate structure and government regulation. An overview of new production and distribution technologies, particularly those concerned with multimedia and Internet based production and distribution will be given and students will be provided with an understanding of legal, regulatory and commercial issues surrounding new media.

Synopsis The primary focus of this subject is the application of new technologies in publishing and the enduring role of text in forms of electronic publishing. Although primarily concerned with forms and processes the subject will also attempt to develop a critical perspective on these new developments.

Assessment Practical exercises including a field exercise report (1000 words): 40% -Review paper (3000 words): 40% -Examination (one hour): 20%

Preliminary reading

Feldman T Multimedia Blueprint, 1994

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