
History of publishing and the impact of the book

John Arnold

8 points -One 2-hour seminar per week -First semester -City

Objectives Students should develop an understanding of the importance of the book in cultural development, and of publishing as a form of communication integral to the discipline of the humanities. This subject will develop a critical awareness of the forms of publishing and the culture of the book and introduce students to the publishing industry in Australia both past and present.

Synopsis This subject looks at the book and publishing as agents of change by locating them in an historical perspective and serves as a critical introduction to the publishing industry and the study of Australian publishing today.

Assessment Practical exercises: 30% -Field exercise (1500 words): 20% -Review paper (4000 words): 50%

Preliminary reading

Birkerts S The Gutenberg elegies: The fate of reading in an electronic age Faber, 1996
Borchardt D H and Kirsop W (eds) The book in Australia: Essays towards a cultural and social history Australian Reference Publications in association with the Centre for Bibliographical and Textual Studies, Monash University, 1988
Febvre L and Martin H J The coming of the book: The impact of printing Verso, 1984

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