
International public policy and management

Alex Owen

6 points -3 hours per week -First semester -City (30 Collins Street) -Subject also available by distance education -Prerequisite: consult with lecturer

Objectives At the completion of this subject students should have an understanding of the management of public sector agencies which are international in their operations and of the operations of international agencies such as IMF, the World Bank and UN organisations.

Synopsis The subject provides an overview of the issues associated with managing public sector agencies which are international in their operations or are dominated by international considerations. The following topics are covered in the subject: methodological and research issues in international negotiations; managing political risk; the roles of the IMF, the World Bank and UN organisations; host government relations. Management practices in various countries will also be examined, together with examples of internationally operating public sector agencies.

Assessment Individual: 50% -Case study: 40% -Attendance/participation: 10%

Prescribed texts

There are no prescribed texts, but extensive readings will be supplied progressively throughout the course. Students will also be expected to extensivelyconsult current works within the library or available from other sources.

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