
Australia in the age of information

Paul James

8 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton

Objectives As for PLT2160. In addition, third-year students should acquire a greater capacity for conceptualisation and undertaking independent research.

Synopsis As for PLT2160.

Assessment Essay (4000 words): 60% - Examination (2 hours): 40% - Compared to second-year students, third-year students will be required to demonstrate wider reading and greater conceptual ability by answering questions from a designated section of the examination paper.

Prescribed texts

Kumar K From post-industrial to post-modern society: New theories of the contemporary world Blackwell, 1995

Recommended texts

Beck U Risk society Sage, 1992
Harvey D The condition of postmodernity Blackwell, 1989
James P (ed.) The state in question Allen and Unwin, 1996
Jamrozik A and others Social change and cultural transformation in Australia CUP, 1995

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