
Republicanism and constitutionalism in Australia

Brian Costar

12 points -2 hours per week -First semester -Clayton

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject students are expected to (a) have acquired a theoretical appreciation of the structures and philosophy of Australian constitutionalism; (b) comprehend the political issues relevant to the republican option.

Synopsis This subject is concerned with the notions of republicanism, monarchism and citizenship which are inherent in the constitution of the Australian polity. The constitution in this sense means both the written document with its surrounding conventions and the ideas and ideologies upon which the polity is founded. The debate over republicanism and constitutionalism in Australia will be explored from cultural, historical, institutional, theoretical and comparative perspectives.

Assessment Essay (6000 words): 50% -Seminar participation: 10% -Examination (3 hours): 40%

Recommended texts

Galligan B A federal republic: Australia's constitutional system of government CUP, 1995
Winterton G (ed.) We, the people Allen and Unwin, 1994

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