
Metaphysics and epistemology A

Graham Oppy

8 points - 2 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: PHL2110 and third-year course in metaphysics/epistemology, or permission of head

Objectives Students successfully completing this subject will have a thorough understanding of recent work in metaphysics and epistemology, with the primary emphasis on metaphysics. In particular, they will have a good grasp of the various issues surrounding the notions of realism, idealism and anti-realism, in application to both ontological and ethical questions.

Synopsis This is a foundational subject in contemporary metaphysics and epistemology. Topics to be covered will include some of the following: realism and idealism, the nature of space and time, theories of causation, theories of mind and action, the problem of universals, probability and induction, and scepticism. The subject will focus on major recent work in the area.

Assessment One 6000-word essay: 100%

Prescribed texts

A reading list may be obtained from the department.

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