
Business ethics

Elizabeth Prior Jonson

8 points - 2 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: A minor sequence in philosophy or economics

Objectives On successful completion of this subject students should have an ability to identify important ethical issues and dilemmas that arise in various business contexts; have an understanding of the moral, social and economic environment within which these dilemmas occur; have a sound understanding of the ethical concepts and philosophical frameworks that are relevant for solving ethical problems; have the ability to apply ethical concepts and frameworks to moral dilemmas in business and have developed the necessary reasoning and analytical skills for resolving these ethical dilemmas in a critical and creative manner.

Synopsis Numerous ethical issues arise in business. Some of these issues have to do with the duties of individuals working in a company and the tensions between the demands of their professional roles, including the claims of loyalty, and their more general duties as citizens and ordinary moral agents. Other issues centre on the corporation as a moral agent, and the social responsibilities of business in areas like product safety, advertising, and environmental protection. Business is conducted not simply in an economic context, but also in a legal, social and political environment. To what extent should business activities be left to the operation of the free market, and to what extent should they be regulated by government? How should cultural differences affect international business? The subject will focus on the identification and clarification of the ethical and political dimensions in the formulation and implementation of policies and decisions.

Assessment Two essays (3000 words each): 50% each - One essay may optionally be replaced by a 3-hour examination.

Prescribed texts

Clarke G L and Prior Jonson E Management and ethics: Theory, cases and practice Harper
A collection of readings available from the Monash Bookshop and on reserve in the Sir Louis Matheson Library

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