
Political philosophy

Chin Liew Ten

8 points - 2 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: Any two second-year philosophy subjects, unless special permission is given by head of department.

Objectives Students who successfully complete the subject will be able to clarify and evaluate the foundations and limits of religious toleration and individual freedom in a multicultural society.

Synopsis The subject will focus on the foundations and limits of religious toleration and individual freedom in a multicultural society. We shall examine some of the classics on toleration, Mill's essay On liberty and Locke's A letter concerning toleration, and discuss the extent to which their arguments are relevant to contemporary issues. Does religious toleration imply religious scepticism? Must society have a shared morality, and if so, should it use the criminal law to enforce it? Is cultural diversity desirable, and is it a requirement of justice that we permit or sustain such diversity? Do groups have rights to preserve their way of life, and is there a conflict between group rights and individual liberty?

Assessment Two essays (3000 words each): 50% each - One essay may optionally be replaced by a 3-hour examination

Prescribed texts

A collection of readings available from the department and on reserve in the Sir Louis Matheson Library

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