
Contemporary moral problems

Proposed to be offered next in 2000

Karen Green and Jeanette Kennett

8 points - 2 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: PHL2150 and another 8-point second-year philosophy subject, or special permission

Objectives Students who successfully complete this subject should have a good understanding of issues in contemporary ethical theory and practical ethics which are currently being discussed in philosophical journals.

Synopsis The subject will examine a number of contemporary problems in ethics, both theory and practice. It will consist of two parts: (a) problems in ethical theory - eg death, harm, discrimination, autonomy, ethical epistemology and metaphysics; (b) problems in moral practice - eg pornography, prostitution, sexual harassment, contraception, and foetal destruction, colonisation, AIDS and sexuality.

Assessment Two essays (3000 words each): 50% each - Optional replacement of one essay by a 3-hour examination

Prescribed texts

A collection of readings available from the department

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