
Introduction to logic

Aubrey Townsend

4 points - 2 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton - The department also offers PHL2090 in flexible delivery mode to students on any campus in any semester. If you are interested in taking this subject in flexible delivery mode, please contact the department. - Prerequisites: First-year philosophy subject or 12 points of science - Prohibition: This subject may not be taken by students who have taken 'Introduction to logic' as a component of PHL1020 or PHL1080 or PHL1040

Objectives Students who successfully complete the subject will have a knowledge of basic logical doctrine that should be a sufficient foundation for further work in both logic and philosophy. They will also have an increased sensitivity to appropriate standards of rigour in argument, not only in philosophy.

Synopsis The subject introduces students to such basic logical concepts as argument, validity, truth, and logical truth, and to the elements of the propositional and predicate calculi. One of the two hours per week will be the lecture in the 'Introduction to logic' component of PHL1020, while the other will be a tutorial covering additional material.

Assessment Four exercises: 60% - One 1-hour examination: 40%

Prescribed texts

Townsend A Primary logic Department of Philosophy, Monash U
A collection of readings available from the Monash Bookshop and on reserve in the Sir Louis Matheson Library

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