
Making performance: theory and practice

P Snow

8 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton

Objectives At the completion of this subject students should understand some of the relationships between practice and theory in the construction of contemporary performance work. They should also have the ability to investigate and manipulate particular elements of performance, such as tempo, space and action, with a view to production possibilities. They should have the capacity to make a short, imaginative, theoretically informed performance work.

Synopsis This subject investigates the processes involved in making and theorising performance. Throughout the semester students will work, either in small groups or individually, to complete short performance exercises each exploring a particular element of performance, such as tempo, action, space, bodies, sound and so forth. Students will then proceed to make a full length work (or several short works) drawing on the ideas and practices which have evolved in these sessions. Ample opportunity will be provided to discuss and analyse these practices and we will cover a range of theoretical positions and strategies commonly deployed in the construction of contemporary performance.

Assessment Seminar/workshop participation (equivalent to 1500 words): 30% - Written document (1500 words): 30% - Contribution to performance projects (equivalent to 3000 words): 40%

Recommended texts

Details of appropriate readings will be available in a subject handbook from the Centre for Drama and Theatre Studies in early January.

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