
Law, society and public order

Scott Beattie

8 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Caulfield

Objectives On completion of this subject, students will be able to demonstrate a strong foundation of understanding of the sociology of law; analyse socio-legal issues, applying theory to practical situations; understand how the core concerns of race, gender and class operate to control the distribution of power in society, particularly the part played in this by law; understand how social and legal theory underpin policy, particularly drug policy.

Synopsis For good or ill, Law is one of the dominant structures of power in modern society. This subject is an introduction to the sociology of law, a study of how the legal system, the profession and its various instrumentalities control, respond to and are shaped by society. In lectures this subject explores the history of drug regulation as a primary focus for analysis and a practical example of theoretical concepts. This subject seeks to deal with the policy implications of the sociology of law, particularly emphasising the role of the theory, philosophy and research in the creation of practical programs of reform.

Assessment Major paper (3000 words): 50% Seminar paper (4 pages): 30% Seminar presentation: 10% Peer feedback contribution: 10%

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