
Comparative policing

David Baker and Colleen Lewis

8 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Caulfield

Objectives On completion of this subject, the student will be expected to have an understanding of the differences and similarities in the role and functions of policing systems around the world and the impact they have on police and community relations.

Synopsis The aim of this subject is to develop in students an understanding of the similarities and differences among various policing systems in a selection of nation states. Students will be introduced to comparative theory, various models of policing, and the significance of the historical, social and cultural context of policing. The focus is on a comparative analysis of diverse policing structures, policies and practices in selected countries and their applicability to policing in Australia.

Assessment Essay (3000 words): 30% - Examination (2 hours): 40% - Tutorial presentation and participation: 15% Test (1 hour): 15%

Recommended texts

Brewer J The police, public order and the state 2nd edn Macmillan, 1996
Mawby R I Comparative policing issues Unwin Hyman, 1990

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