
Indonesian gamelan: special studies

A Scott-Maxwell

8 points -4 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: 1060, 2480, or prior experience in gamelan practice/theory plus audition.

Objectives By successful completing of this subject, students should have consolidated their performance skills on all core instruments of the gamelan and acquired performance knowledge of at least one advanced gamelan instrument. They should also be familiar with the complexities of performance-related theories of mode and structure, regional stylistic variants of Javanese gamelan music, and the concepts of traditional gamelan composition and their application to contemporary composition.

Synopsis This subject aims to develop advanced Javanese gamelan performance skills and foster an interest in and understanding of contemporary composition for gamelan. It includes the study of advanced gamelan theory and performance practice, and ideas, techniques and historical and recent developments in gamelan composition, both in Java and internationally.

Assessment Essay (2000 words): 25% Written/oral/composition assignment: 15% Exam (1 hour): 10% Performance assessment/concert 50%

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