
Analytical and compositional techniques I

T Reiner

4 points - 2 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: MUS1100 and MUS1110

Objectives The objective of the subject is to broaden students' knowledge of music theory, analysis and composition. By the end of the subject students should be able to understand advanced tonal procedures and chromatic harmony, conduct harmonic and voice-leading analyses of baroque, classical, and Romantic music, and compose small tonal works.

Synopsis This subject aims to strengthen students' analytical and compositional skills in the area of tonal music. Harmonic functions and voice-leading procedures are learned through critical listening and analysis of representative works of Western art music.

Assessment Analysis exercise: 10% - Harmony exercise: 30% - Aural training test: 10% - Examination (2 hours): 50%

Prescribed texts

Aldwell E and Schachter C Harmony and voice leading 2nd edn, HBJ, 1989

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