
Music and popular culture: Asia and Australia

Subject to approval

M Kartomi

6 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton

Objectives On successful completion of this subject students should have a basic knowledge of popular music developments and a general knowledge of the major styles and stylistic trends of popular music in Australia and Asia. The student will distinguish specific musical characteristics which define popular music traditions and develop a framework in which to identify, categorise and assess popular music styles in a wide variety of musical contexts.

Synopsis The musical, social, political and commercial aspects of popular music and its development in Australia, both in Aboriginal and white communities, as well as in India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, China and Japan will be examined. The history and major categories of popular music are studied to discover how these styles have influenced each other and relate to the surrounding culture. The ways in which the 'business' of music affects musical style is a central issue in examining cultural trends.

Assessment: Written (2500 words): 40% Examinations (2 hours): 40% Listening tests: 20%

Prescribed texts
Manuel P Popular musics of the non-western world OUP, 1988

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