
Directed reading in music

Craig De Wilde

8 or 12 points -Individual supervision -First or second semester -Clayton

Objectives By the end of the semester, students undertaking this unit should have developed critical reading and assessment skills on a chosen topic and be ready to carry out further research or performance on that or a related topic.

Synopsis In this self-directed subject each student is asked to compile a bibliography of interdisciplinary readings with annotations on an approved music topic or repertoire area. The emphasis is on gaining a critical understanding of a large body of literature to serve as the basis of a critical essay which can lead to future research. Each week the student leads a critical discussion of his/her reading on the topic with a supervisor.

Assessment (8 points) Essay (6000 words with extensive bibliography and list of sound sources if appropriate): 100% -Or critical essay (2500 words): 50% Recital/demonstration: 50%
Assessment (12 points) Written (9000 words with extensive bibliography and list of sound sources): 100% -Critical essay (4500 words): 50% Recital/demonstration: 50%

Readings and texts

Determined by student and staff member in consultation.

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